Oil Spill Response

Ports, harbours, coastlines, beaches, rivers, lakes, offshore…the list is endless. But we have a solution for every scenario.
The key is preparedness
An accident just waiting to happen… It’s vital you’re prepared in advance with the right equipment for the task. Markleen will help you design an equipment package for the case in hand and supply everything you need.

Contain, recover, store…
Markleen designs and manufactures a wide range of equipment for all stages of an oil spill clean-up operation. Solid floatation booms, inflatable booms, skimmers, land-based tanks, floating tanks, sorbents….We have everything you need.

Always ready
We hope it never happens, but just in case they affect the marine ecosystem… Our technicians are available to train your staff in using oil spill equipment and to participate in exercises and drills whenever the need arises.  And that’s not forgetting equipment maintenance and the supply of spare parts where we can also provide a solution.